(VIDEO) Botswana Election: Shocking Fulfilment of Primate Ayodele’s Prophecy

President Mokgweetsi Masisi

The outcome of the recent election in Botswana, which saw the ruling party lose power after 58 years, is a testament to Primate Ayodele’s prophetic credibility.

Voters in Botswana have delivered a shock defeat to the party that has ruled them for nearly six decades by electing an opposition coalition and its presidential candidate, Duma Boko.

The 54-year-old leader of the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) will replace President Mokgweetsi Masisi, who conceded defeat on Friday after his Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) lost by a landslide for the first time in 58 years.

Long before this election, Primate Ayodele had repeatedly predicted that the incumbent president would face disappointment at the polls. He foretold that the outcome would be shocking and disappointing for the ruling party.

These were his words:

“In Botswana, the president will make every effort, and the country will want to move on to a new stage, but the president must be careful, so he won’t be disappointed. In the coming election, the president will be disappointed; people will not want to vote for him.”


Primate Ayodele made this video in September 2023 regarding the nation of Botswana, when there was no visible indication that the incumbent president would lose the election. However, as usual, the prophet spoke based on divine signals received from God, and, surprisingly, the prophecy came to pass in this way.

For a party to rule for 58 years, it is almost unthinkable to lose power to an opposition. This is what makes Primate Ayodele’s prophecy unique.

If the president had heeded Primate Ayodele’s warning, he might have taken steps to address some issues that ultimately contributed to his loss. However, like many politicians, he ignored the prophetic warning and later faced the consequences.

In October 2023, Primate Ayodele again advised the incumbent president to be cautious, warning that he could face betrayal and make a costly policy mistake.

These were his words:

“The incumbent president of Botswana must pray for good health and God’s divine help. The country should pray against disease outbreaks and border crises. The president will have a tough time because he will harm himself with an unpopular policy. I see their currency weakening. Investors will abandon the country. They need to be careful of external threats, and the president will be betrayed.”


Unfortunately, some of the president’s policies contributed to his defeat, just as Primate Ayodele had warned.

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